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Found 403 results for any of the keywords the waldie blacksmith shop. Time 0.010 seconds.
Milton Historical Society Preserving Milton s HistoryWelcome to the Milton Historical Society, located at 16 James Street in Milton, Ontario. We are above the Waldie Blacksmith Shop, one of the MHS major restoration projects. The Milton Historical Society and the Waldie Bl
MHS Is Open Milton Historical SocietyWelcome Back! Milton Historical Society and the Waldie Blacksmith Shop, the only privately-operated history museum in urban Milton, are offering some great activities and events for Miltonians and visitors to Milton in 2
Page not found Milton Historical Society16 James Street, Milton, Ontario | Free Parking nearby
Historic Properties Milton Historical SocietyIn addition to providing historic buildings in Milton with plaques to commemorate the date of their construction and their original owners, the MHS has also played a vital role in the preservation and restoration of hist
MHS Site Tours Milton Historical SocietyBlacksmith Shop and Facility Tours MHS is delighted to announce that our site tours will start back up in April! Take a guided tour of our archives and blacksmith shop, which will include a presentation on the town s his
MHS Milestones and Awards Milton Historical SocietyThe Alex Cooke Memorial Award Alexander (Alex) Cooke was a lifelong resident of Milton who had great interest in local history and genealogy and a founding member of the Milton Historical Society. He spent many hours re
MHS Executive Milton Historical Society16 James Street, Milton, Ontario | Free Parking nearby
MHS Library Milton Historical SocietyWelcome to the new MHS LIBRARY where you will find connections to the material that is either available in hard cover at the MHS Archives or in digital format on this web site. NEW! ONLINE BOOKSHOP: More than twenty
MHS Cooke/Dills Archives Milton Historical SocietyThe Milton Historical Society Archives are now officially identified as the Milton Historical Society Cooke/Dills Archives to honour Jim Dills and Alex Cooke. Ho
About Us Milton Historical SocietyThe Milton Historical Society was founded in 1977. Our first goal was preservation of the County Court House and Jail, which had been abandoned after being so much a part of the community for well over a century. The Tow
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